La celebració de les XXXVIII Trobades de la Mediterrània: Vida a l’Univers, formació i evolució del Sistema Solar, i exoplanetes tindrà lloc a l’Institut Menorquí d’Estudis a Maó els dies 6, 7 i 8 de novembre de 2023.
Pdf’s de les Trobades:
Antonio Lazcano “Prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life:the legacy of Joan Oró”
Izaskun Jiménez-Serra “Towards prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium”
Juan Carlos Morales “Exoplanet atmosphere challenges Understanding stellar activity”
T. Santana-Ros “Investigating the interior secrets of the Solar System”
Jonay I. González Hernández “Revealing Nearby Earth-Mass and sub-Earth Mass Planets with Espresso”
Ignasi Ribas “Habitable planets in the solar neighbourhood”
Ciska Kemper “The unusual optical dimming and near-infrared brightening of ASASSN-21qj”
Jordi Llorca “Is catalysis in meteorites relevant to the origin of life?”
Daniel Angerhausen “LIFE looks for life”
Antoni Perez-Poch “Effects of microgravity in human health. What do we know?”